I resurrected a game I half wrote for the Amiga 35 years ago, but I’m struggling with reading the joystick in fs-uae.

  1. If I tell fs-uae to emulate the joystick with the keyboard it works fine.
  2. If I play llamatron on the emulator, it works with my shiny new joystick
  3. If I try to use my joystick with my code that works in 1. it behaves as if it is not there.

To probe this further I took the example code from the VSCode Amiga Assembly plugin and hacked it so that the value of JOY1DAT is written into the blitter so I can see some effect on screen. This works with keyboard emulation, but does not respond to the joystick.

I’m puzzled as the stick works in llamatron and it works on my Reto Spectrum, but why can I not read it by just polling JOY1DAT?

; Example inspired by Photon's Tutorial:
;  https://www.youtube.com/user/ScoopexUs
;---------- Includes ----------
              INCDIR      "include"
              INCLUDE     "hw.i"
              INCLUDE     "funcdef.i"
              INCLUDE     "exec/exec_lib.i"
              INCLUDE     "graphics/graphics_lib.i"
              INCLUDE     "hardware/cia.i"
;---------- Const ----------

CIAA            = $00bfe001
COPPERLIST_SIZE = 1000                                   ;Size of the copperlist
LINE            = 100                                    ;<= 255

              movem.l     d0-a6,-(sp)
              move.l      4.w,a6                         ; execbase
              clr.l       d0                      

	; Allocation of chip memory

              move.l      #COPPERLIST_SIZE,d0
              move.l      #$10002,d1
              movea.l     $4,a6                          ; This call could be replaced by
              jsr         _LVOAllocMem(a6)               ; CALLEXEC AllocMem
              move.l      d0,copperlist

              move.l      #gfxname,a1                    ; librairy name
              jsr         _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6) 
              move.l      d0,a1                   
              move.l      38(a1),d4                      ; copper list pointer to save
              move.l      d4,CopperSave
              jsr         _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
              move.b      #$80,d7                        ; y position
              move        #-1,d6                         ; step

              lea         CUSTOM,a6                      ; adresse de base
              move.w      INTENAR(a6),INTENARSave        ; Copie de la valeur des interruptions 
              move.w      DMACONR(a6),DMACONSave         ; sauvegarde du dmacon 
              move.w      #$138,d0                       ; wait for eoframe paramètre pour la routine de WaitRaster - position à attendre
              bsr.w       WaitRaster                     ; Appel de la routine wait raster - bsr = jmp,mais pour des adresses moins distantes
              move.w      #$7fff,INTENA(a6)              ; désactivation de toutes les interruptions bits : valeur + masque sur 7b
              move.w      #$7fff,INTREQ(a6)              ; disable all bits in INTREQ
              move.w      #$7fff,INTREQ(a6)              ; disable all bits in INTREQ
              move.w      #$7fff,DMACON(a6)              ; disable all bits in DMACON
              move.w      #$87e0,DMACON(a6)              ; Activation classique pour démo

;---------- Copper list ----------
              movea.l     copperlist,a0
              move.w      #$1fc,(a0)+   
              move.w      #0,(a0)+                       ;slow fetch mode for AGA compatibility
              move.w      #$100,(a0)+
              move.w      #$0200,(a0)+                   ; wait for screen start

              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.w      #$349,(a0)+

              move.w      #$2b07,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+           
              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.w      #$56c,(a0)+
              move.w      #$2c07,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+           

              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.l a0,colourPos
              move.w      #$113,(a0)+

;Copy copper bar
              move        #9,d0 
              move        #$050,d1
              move        #$8007,d3
              move.l      a0,waitras1
              move.w      d3,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+       
              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.w      d1,(a0)+        
              add         #$0100,d3
              add         #$010,d1
              dbra        d0,loopbar                     ; loop until -1

              move        #9,d0                          ; loop of 10
              move.w      d3,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+   
              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.w      d1,(a0)+  
              add         #$0100,d3
              sub         #$010,d1
              dbra        d0,loopbar2 

              move.l      a0,waitras2
              move.w      d3,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+ 
              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.w      #$113,(a0)+  

; End of copper bar
              move.w      #$ffdf,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+ 
              move.w      #$2c07,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+ 
              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.w      #$56c,(a0)+                    ; background color
              move.w      #$2d07,(a0)+
              move.w      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)+ 
              move.w      #COLOR00,(a0)+
              move.w      #$349,(a0)+
              move.l      #COPPER_HALT,(a0)

; Activate Copper list
              move.l      copperlist,COP1LC(a6)
              move.w      d0,COPJMP1(a6)

              moveq       #$50,d2                        ; cycle duration
              neg         d6

		; Wait for vertical blank
              move.w      #$0c,d0                        ;No buffering, so wait until raster
              bsr.w       WaitRaster                     ;is below the Display Window.

;----------- main loop ------------------
              add         d6,d7                          ; Increment
              dbf         d2,continue   
              jmp         resetcount 

continue: ; 200A8 - 20116
              move.l     colourPos,a0
              move.w joy1dat(a6),d0
              move.l d0,(a0)
              move        #19,d0 
              move        d7,d3
              move.l      waitras1,a3
moveloop: ; 200A8 - 20116
              move.b      d3,(a3)
              add         #1,d3
              add         #6,a3
              add         #2,a3
              dbra        d0,moveloop

              move.l      waitras2,a3
              move.b      d3,(a3)
;----------- end main loop ------------------

              btst        #CIAB_GAMEPORT0,CIAA+ciapra
              bne.b       mainloop

              move.w      #$7fff,DMACON(a6)              ; disable all bits in DMACON
              or.w        #$8200,(DMACONSave)            ; Bit mask inversion for activation
              move.w      (DMACONSave),DMACON(a6)        ; Restore values
              move.l      (CopperSave),COP1LC(a6)        ; Restore values
              or          #$c000,(INTENARSave)         
              move        (INTENARSave),INTENA(a6)       ; interruptions reactivation
              movem.l     (sp)+,d0-a6
              clr         d0                             ; Return code of the program
              rts                                        ; End
WaitRaster:				              ;Wait for scanline d0. Trashes d1.
.l:           move.l      $dff004,d1
              lsr.l       #1,d1
              lsr.w       #7,d1
              cmp.w       d0,d1
              bne.s       .l                             ;wait until it matches (eq)
              GRAFNAME                                   ; inserts the graphics library name


DMACONSave:   DC.w        1
CopperSave:   DC.l        1
INTENARSave:  DC.w        1
waitras1:     DC.L        0
waitras2:     DC.L        0
copperlist:   DC.L        0
colourPos:    DC.L        0